- I am a Son of God. For me to fail in life and destiny, It is impossible
- All that I need to succeed, God has put within me.
- I stay connected to God, my Source and sustainer
- I am like my Father, I command light to shine out of every dark situation and circumstance around me.
- I do not complain, I posess the power to decree and situations, circumstances, spirits and their sponsors obey.
- I bring situations under alignment to the obedience of Christ right now in the name of Jesus.
- I understand that all that is needed for me to achieve success in life and destiny are trapped within me. Today, I begin to unearth every hidden treasure on my inside. I begin to tap in to every gifting on my inside.
- I am not a failure, but I am a massive success. I will not drift through life thoughlessly. But I carry my own weather. Whether it rains or shines, makes no difference to me, because I have the power to change situations
- I am a god on this earth. I am a Kingdom Ambassador. I am not subject to the laws and principles of this earth. Everything I see in my Kingdom, I enforce on this earth.
- The Word of God is my guide. It lighens my day and brightens my years. I understand wisdom as the Word takes root in me. I feed daily on the Word, and my Spirit man is strengthened.
- I love the Word of the Lord, It is sweeter than honey to my taste. The word of the Lord changes me as I meditate on it daily.
- This is the least I will ever be. The longer I live, the more my Impact. I am moving to a new horizon. The best is yet to come.
- I am above only. I do not know normal. I receive grace for every area where I struggle, through the Word.
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