Romans 5

Justification. Declared guiltless. Just-as-if-I-never-sinned, received through the faith of Jesus, the Christ

Romans 5
Photo by Daniel Day Media / Unsplash

Theme: Justification. Declared guiltless. Just-as-if-I-never-sinned, received through the faith of Jesus, the Christ

How was I justified? By the blood of Jesus, the Christ

What did I receive by my Justification?

  1. Peace with God. I was previously an enemy. Now there is no enmity with God any longer.
  2. Access into the grace of God. (Grace is God’s provision for everyone to be made righteous by their faith in Jesus Christ).
  3. Realisation that tribulation (distress, pressure, trouble) develops patience, patience develops experience (proven character), experience develops hope in me. So that I glory in pressures when they come.
  4. Assurance that I will be saved from wrath(the wrath to come on the world) through Jesus Christ.
  5. Atonement (reconciliation with God), that should cause me to have joy.

Note worthy:

  1. The reason why the law of Grace is valid is because the law of sin was first valid. If many could be condemned by the disobedience of one man, then many are made righteous by the obedience of one man.