Romans 6

Meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ to me

Romans 6
Photo by Tim Wildsmith / Unsplash

Theme: the meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ to me

Facts about Christ’s sacrifice.

  1. I know that I am buried with Christ by baptism into His death. And like as Christ was raised up from the dead, that’s how I should walk in the newness of life. Because I was planted together with Christ in the likeness of His death, I’ll also be in the likeness of His resurrection.
  2. I know that my old man is crucified with Christ. Hence I am dead to sin, and so free from sin.
  3. I know that As Christ was raised from the dead, and doesn’t die anymore, but lives unto God; death has no more dominion over Him. Same way I consider myself dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ. Sin has no more dominion over me.
  4. I know that I become servants to whom ever I yield to obey. Whether of sin that brings death or of obedience that brings righteousness. As I yielded my members unto iniquity, now being made free from sin, I am to yield my members to righteousness unto holiness.
Rm 6:23 the wages of sin is death. And I am dead to sin, in Christ (that is my old man, the body of sin that will be destroyed). This was just reward. But now, I have also, in Christ received the gift of God (eternal life). I am the servant of righteousness that brings holiness (set apart for God only)