Romans 8 (Pt-4 of 4)

Assurance of Salvation

Romans 8 (Pt-4 of 4)
Photo by Rod Long / Unsplash

Theme: Assurance of Salvation

We know God is deeply concerned about us, He even created a plan and had a purpose worked out just to redeem us. How do we know this?

Paul reveals that:

  1. God knew us beforehand (He loved and chose us in eternity before all of this). I understand this to also mean that even though our mortal minds are confined to this reality in which we exist, we (our true selves; Spirit, existed with God) before this realm.
  2. God predetermined (determined our fate in advance), that we were to be conformed (shappened into) the image of His Son. I understand this as necessary for us to share in everything His Son would eventually have. It was a carefully thought out technology for these people whom He loved and chose before hand to share in His Son’s death, burial, resurrection, and glorification.
  3. God (inside of time) called us whom He knew and loved, and determined our fate in advance
  4. God declared us righteous (Justified us).
  5. God glorified us (in Christ Jesus). We share in everything that His Son partook of.

Paul shouted: “in fact, having seen these points I have raised”, with respect to our fate in time and eternity; and the entirety of this program, can you now see that God is on our side? Now, do you then think anything or anyone can be successful against us?

Paul says: In addition to all these things that God has already done. If there is anything needed to ensure that you win in this journey, if God did not spare His own Son, He will also graciously (without you asking, without you even knowing you need it), give you.

If anyone brings accusation against us (whom God has chosen); we know who the accuser is.

Paul also reveals a mystery: Satan still accuses us to God, but when he does, Jesus is at the right hand of God, doing what? Interceding with the Father for us. This is the risen Christ; the one who died, was buried, resurrected and glorified. What is He saying? (I’m sure Paul would show us as we go on in this Study).

In closing his case, Paul says that having understood God’s big plan, and the length to which God went to redeem us, in addition to what Jesus is doing on our behalf even now, Paul says nothing and no one will be able to separate us from the love of Christ.He lists the things (tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword). We know the person who Paul says was accusing us. So it is the devil who brings these things against us.

Paul says these things listed aren’t even enough to stand against us. Our capacity is far more than them. He then lists additional things he considered higher than these things: death, life, angels, principalities, things present and threatening, things to come, powers, height, depth, any created thing. Paul says that He is convinced that because of the love of God, which He has demonstrated through Christ, and what we see Christ still doing on our behalf, not even these things will be able to separate us from the love of God, which He wrought in Christ.