Romans 8 - (Pt2 of 4)

Be Led

Romans 8 - (Pt2 of 4)
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out / Unsplash

Theme: Be Led Rm. 8:1-13

The Believer’s obligation is to submit to God’s will and purpose. [set your mind on things of the Spirit], God leading and guiding the Believer. Paul reveals something here. That the Spirit of God gives life to the mortal body of the Believer in whom He dwells. By allowing the Spirit of God to lead the Believer, He puts to death the sinful deeds of the flesh.

So then, rather than trusting in the discipline or decisions against the deeds of the flesh, the Believer is told to simply yield (be led by, submit) to the leading of the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God living in the Believer empowers the yielded vessel by affecting even his/her mortal body.